Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Interesting things about pandas.


A quick update for everyone... We are still in NYC, and still in one piece which is pretty remarkable. Some wonderful crazy things have been finding their way to our feet - into which we've slipped and begun walking to wherever it is they've decide to take us.

We have a few more shows here before we head up state to do some recording at The Outlier Inn.

Exciting news from home is that we were Triple J's Next Crop pick a few days ago - you can find an interview and more info here.

And also quite exciting is that our EP is now released in NZ through Inertia! Yay go buy it Kiwis! I'm pretty excited about this as I can't wait to show the boys my home town. We have also been doing some NZ radio interviews too. If you so desire you can now request our music on NZ radio.

For the moment here are some pictures of NZ (that I found them on the multi-web):

This one above is where I live/lived... pretty rad.

I don't know who the guy is in this photo, but he looks pretty pleased with himself. I know you can't see his face but if you could, he'd look pretty pleased with himself... just saying.

At the moment we have two days off which will probably involve meeting with people, having lunches and drinking perhaps too much red wine and slippery margaritas, singing loudly to Metallica in bars where no one else seems to even notice you're there...

Oh guess what this is from?

"MultiPass... MultiPass..."

It's the only hint I'm giving you, if you get it we'll ship you a free EP!

xxxxxxx Tanya


Unknown said...

Fifth element!

Unknown said...

and the Outlier looks amaze. Can't wait to hear what happens there :)